Luigi Nono, El Caminante Dialéctico
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objective reality
socialism Nono
realidad objetiva

How to Cite

Carrizo, V. P. (2012). Luigi Nono, El Caminante Dialéctico. Neuma (Talca), 2, 32–50. Retrieved from


This paper examines how the composer faces address a compositional language at a particular point in history, rejecting the tendency to justify the use of serial technique as an ideological basis and adopting a creative approach that reflects a reality in which the human conflicts are a product of society. It exemplifies this approach through numerous examples that support their conception of the sound material is an objective reality, and the perception of sound generates a deeper understanding of the world and of men.

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Duarte Loza, Daniel (2007). “Sobre Liebeslied de Luigi Nono” Versión electrónica disponible en:

Raposo, Juan José Martín (2009). Luigi nono. Epitafios lorquianos. Estudio musicológico y analítico. Hergue editora andaluza.

Pareyón, Gabriel (2007). “Il canto sospeso de Luigi Nono. Forma intuida, forma cierta, transfinita”. Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información Musical “Carlos Chávez” Versión electrónica disponible en: Fecha de último acceso: 25/07/2012

Pestazzolla. Luigi (1963). “Luigi Nono” Revista Musical Chilena. Vol. 17, N. 85. Fecha de último acceso: 25/07/2012

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