Introducing musical language at early ages (3 to 5 years old) asks the collaboration with the reading and writing process in a global conception of learning. Associating sounds and its graphics is a simultaneous development of musical and linguistic space. It contributes also to the development of psychomotor aspects and hand to eyes coordination, to the improvement of the use of voice and sound production, the breathing, and the rhythmic relationship of syllables and words, to the refinement of vocal and ear tuning, as well as it introduces children in some creative and interpretative skills which helps their expressive capacities. Using ICT contributes as well to the approach of the children to basic technologic tools and helps the relation with computer interfaces from the initial levels at school.
Giraldez, Andrea, et alt. (2007). Creación de contextos educativos integrando las TIC en el aula de música, Eufonía, n.39, April (páginas)
Alsina, Pep (2008). “La música en la escuela infantil (0-6)”. Pep Alsina, Maravillas Díaz, Andrea Giráldez ; con la colaboración de Judith Akoschky. Barcelona : Graó.
Colwell, Richard y Carol Richardson (Ed.) (2002). The New Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning. (ciudad?) Oxford University Press
Hartel, Lynn (2006). “What Do Preschool Teachers Need to Be Successful with Technology”. En C. Crawford et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, pp. 4251-4253. (Falta editorial y ciudad)
Stephen, Christine y Lydia Plowman (2003). “Information and Communication Technologies in Pre-School Settings: A Review of the Literature”, International Journal of Early Years Education, Vol.11, N. 3,Oct., pp. 223-234.
Van Scoter, Judy, Debbier ELLIS y Jennifer Raislback (2001). “Technology in Early Childhood Education: Finding the Balance”, Tech, Report of Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, June (falta volume, páginas, es un libro?).
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