Music training and his work in the classroom, follow-up investigation of titled entry court initial teacher training 2007 (fid 2007) of the Music Department of the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences.
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musical formation acreditación
formación musical

How to Cite

Chávez Cancino, F., Garat Ly, G., & Sepúlveda Silva, P. . (2017). Music training and his work in the classroom, follow-up investigation of titled entry court initial teacher training 2007 (fid 2007) of the Music Department of the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences. Neuma (Talca), 1, 126–153. Retrieved from


The follow-up studies of graduates have become a key tool for institutions of higher education to evidence of linkage to the workplace where their graduates are inserted. This linkage is understood as a form of accountability of its formative action against the community, to our knowledge, has not had a major overhaul in its ideological jurisdiction.
Along with proposing a new line of research in training music teachers of our country, the study of tracking graduates, proposes a model of greater amplitude. It has areas that could set up an accountability regarding titled and training received, as well as, training and social considerations prior to its passing by the Music Department Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences.
This study aims to socialize the current state of research in music education at the Department of Music (DEMUS) of the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences (UMCE) and those relevant aspects that emerged from the consultation to the years 2007 cohort entry.

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