La música, una vivencia mística
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música history

How to Cite

García Gómez , A. (2011). La música, una vivencia mística. Neuma (Talca), 2, 92–106. Retrieved from


Between the 19th and 20th centuries the Russian art was characterized for the mysticism and the religious-aesthetic utopia, under the ideas of writers like Nicolay Gogol, or Fodor Dostoevsky, the same as under the philosophy of Vladimir Solovev, Nicolay Berdyaev, and Pavel Florensky. This period of the  Russian culture was named metaphorically like The Silver Century.
In the musical theory, The Silver Century was particularly revealed in the musical aesthetics of Konstantin R. Eiges, pianist and composer. His aesthetic, that proposes the spiritual liberation and ascesis by the art, emerge from the Russian mystic philosophy in combination with the German philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer.

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